Battlelore and Robert the Bruce

A couple of weeks ago I played my first game of Battlelore version 1. I have to admit, it was an instant hit for me. Not sure why but probably for two reasons

1. While a fantasy based system it also offers a medieval opportunity. Expansions also covered off the Hundred Years War and the Scottish Wars.

2. The ability to introduce a war council gives this an extra dynamic I had recently encountered playing the original Zvesda version of Samurai Battles Command and Colors. You can accrue Lore point to cast magic or a downscaled version, for the medieval games. This war council can grow if played as a campaign.

The game fired that spark all wargamers have, to play the game with Bigger and more figures. While as a group we agreed the rule set Flower of Chivalry would be our medieval go to set I still wanted to imagine seeing what Battlelore could look like in 28mm.

Out of the cupboard I grapped my Scottish force. The bases were big 125mm x 100mm so a hex mat would need to be 6″ across the flats.

Luckily, Tiny Wargames do battle mats and make one for Command and Colors, ordered it on fleece and 6 days later it arrived and it is superb.

This has fired me up to complete the Scottish Army to align with Battlelore Scottish Wars. More to follow.

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Filed under 28mm, Battlelore, Boardgames, Fantasy, Medieval, Scottish Wars of Independence

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