Category Archives: Napoleonic

August’s Game – Like a lot of Brits we went to Spain.

I had received a request for a Napoleonic game. Steve had only played Napoleonics once before so I decided on an engagement battle with the British having the added task of trying to secure an point of entry. As was normal in the Peninsula, the British were outnumbered in cavalry but had their new secret weapon, Congreve Rockets! and hopefully the promised assistance of the local Spanish Commander, who assured the British he would be there as soon as he could.

The terrain was laid out. The British were to come on from the main south road (A) with a small advance force having held the hill line. The French were able to come on along the whole length of their edge. Both flanks had been secured with cavalry although poor leader abilities may mean that the cavalry may not be as active as the French commander (Steve) may like.

The Rules

Our own set ” King George Commands And We Obey”  KGCAWO.

The Forces

French OOBBritish OOB

The Map

the game was 10×6


How it went




SAM_3330 SAM_3329 SAM_3328 SAM_3327 SAM_3326 SAM_3325 SAM_3324 SAM_3322 SAM_3321 SAM_3319 SAM_3318 SAM_3317 SAM_3313

The French came on to the table in a confident manner securing both flanks. Their brigade of infantry that started on the far right flank began to advance upon an increasingly isolated British light dragoons, who patiently awaited the arrival of the Portuguese brigade.

The Portuguese decided to support the Light dragoons by taking up residence in the village of Blanco Aqua which spanned the river.

The French columns of Grenadiers, eager to get to grips with the British started to advance upon the brigade holding the hill line. In fact they were so keen to engage they started to pull away from the rest of the French army. They had out-marched in particular the brigade next to them, who were in mixed order. The British gunners on the hill spotted them and switched to them as a target (No skirmish screen to protect). Worst still, although not sure for who they had drawn the attention of the rocket troop!  With a mighty whoosh the rockets screamed into the air. Nathan’s dice throwing allowed the rocket to head on a straight path towards the target, at least for a while. Then, all of a sudden the rocket started to turn, back upon itself heading towards the foot gunners on the hill. Luckily for them the last die Nathan threw was a 1 and so the rocket came down just short of the crew, forcing them and another two British units the rocket had flown over to test. Luckily all survived unharmed but it did mean that once the laughing had finished the French commanded commented that it may be a lethal weapon on shaky troops, if only it would fly correctly.

The French right wing cavalry engaged and destroyed the light dragoons but were driven off from getting closer to the village by some accurate fire from the Portuguese inside the village. It was at this time things were starting to get tense in the centre. The French had been steadily advancing upon the British with minimal casualties. The deployed light regiments in front of the attack columns really paid off. This was not true from the French Grenadiers who had suffered terribly. Luckily for hem the French left wing cavalry had managed to advance in support and this in turn had force the British heavy dragoons to retire and forced the end British line unit into square.

The next turn a fate/ fortune card revealed a previously unknown ford in the river. Whoever’s action card was drawn next decided where they thought the ford was and on a 4-6 it was there. The next card out was French Light Cavalry Division, they identified the river area between the town and the hill and threw a 6. This allowed them to advance through the river and threaten the British centre!

The French centre were in melee with their columns against Picton’s brigade. Only stout defending managing to save the day. With the light cavalry ready to pick off the remaining British, accurate and timely fire from artillery and the Portuguese in the town convinced the cavalry they may have advanced too far.

The Game was declared a British minor victory. What happened to the Spanish Commander. well he could arrive on any turn after the 8th turn. This came and went, as did the 9th, 10th and 11th. He never managed to get a way from his mistress in time to get to the battle!

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Filed under KGCAWO, Napoleonic, Napoleonics, Peninsular, Scenarios, Wargame Rules

Painting, Painting, Painting


Well over the last month I have been playing so many games. Each though has had a side effect on me. Every time I played a game I got enthusiastic and started to paint for that era. So the end result is as many Wargamers find, is that we finish nothing.

I thought I would give you an update on the month.

War of 1812

I have managed to paint a unit of Glengarry Light Infantry. I will paint two units for this regiment. One in skirmish formation and another in line.  Here is the first unit in skirmish formation. I also got around to finishing the British Rocket Crew.

These are fantastic figures from Old Glory.


American War of Independence

I have painted a unit of British Grenadiers. These are Foundry figures.


War of the Roses

I managed to paint some pike and hand gunners, these are Perry Plastics. Having played a few games using the Flower of Chivalry rules we have started to add some local house rules or interpretations. I will also pull together a quick reference sheet. the main house rule we have added is reference morale outcomes. In the rules when  a unit that fails morale rout. we felt that this was a little dramatic so picking up on the ECW rules I use we say that the first failed morale causes the unit to become shaken and a second failure would cause the rout. I will explain more in a  later blog.


Scottish Wars of Independence

Fired up by the war of the Roses games it got me thinking about all medievals. Below is a unit of welsh bows. These are EBOB figures with the three command figures being old Citadel Ral Partha.




Not Napoleonic but 16th century Armada. I came home from work one evening and there on the table was the new Zvezda Armada Invincible. My wife had thought I would like it, having bought one of the ship models previous. I have to say that I think this will be a big hit. the only thing I think stopping it being a huge hit will be the limited number of ships (currently only two available with another 2 in the pipeline). The basic rules are great and the advanced rules look ideal. The gameplay is all carried out on wipeclean playsheets and the set even includes pens and cleaning pads.

So what do you get for your money.


The Box Set

The Box Set

2 model kits in 1/350 scale. HMS Revenge and San Martin

One of the two kits

One of the two kits

Game cards for both plus two additional ships HMS Swallow and Santiago .These are laminated and so wipe clean.

The ship sheets and order sheets.

The ship sheets and order sheets.

9 double sided hexed game boards, approximately C4 size. These have sea on one side and a mixture of shallows to land on the other.

Sea Boards

Sea Boards

8 x D20 dice


29 movement tokens

2  marker pens

Wind marker

Fire markers

Quick start rules, Advance rule book and Scenario book


The kits are great. They don’t take too long to put together and if you have the time I am sure they will look great with rigging etc.

This game is going to be a favourite of mine, especially when the next range of ships are released. I am even enjoying building the kits although at times I do struggle with my eyes and painting a steady line on the hulls.


HMS Revenge No my painting is not that great. Transfers are brill. Gun carriages to paint. Transfers have to be put on as the ship is built!!!!.




San Martin

San Martin waiting for the finishing touches.


15mm Middle Imperial Romans

Many years ago I had designed and produced a range of Roman and Sassanids. As with most things my wargaming buddy at the time moved on to other eras and I did nothing else with them. Having found them again I have started to rebase them on 80 x 60mm bases. As I rebase them I will share with you. I also had camp scenes made. I really love the guy mopping his brow and there is also one drinking from a wine skin!. Some of the range have never been cast so I will have to dig out the moulds.

100_2816 100_2815 100_2814




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Filed under America 1812, American war Independence, Ancients, Armada, Boardgames, Medieval, Middle Imperial Romans, Napoleonic, Napoleonics, Naval, Reviews, Scenarios, Scottish Wars of Independence, War 1812 America, War of the Roses