Tag Archives: daleks

Doctor Who Campaign Ideas – 1

Doctor Who Exterminate Campaign.

This campaign is designed for 3 players but can be easily expanded. Each will lead a Dr and his companions. They are trying to protect Earth (nothing new there). They are trying to build a device called a Dalek Jammer, unfortunately the Daleks have transported the 3 main components to planets through the Universes! The locations are randomly generated but we have agreed that 1 component will be found in each of the rings. You could have a more complex campaign where they could be in any planet and any number of components on that planet. The roles and responsibility table shows for example Player 3 rolls for the locations for Player 1, he also umpires any battles for 1 as active player, while player 2 plays the enemy fighting Player 1. The good thing is that neither player 1 or 2 would know if any were the component or its location. We have 6 pieces of terrain (each numbered) per battle (boxes, oil drums etc) that are randomly placed by player 1 and 2 with only the umpire knowing if any are the missing component.

Each play can pick a Doctor from 1960-2020 along with the companions for that era. To win the game, collect the components and return to the Doctor’s original timeline at Earth.

Earth Timelines – A doctor starts in a particular Decade 1960, 70, 80, 90, 2000 or 2010s. This gives up 6 eras i.e. a D6, so every time a Doctor returns to Earth a D6 is rolled to see which era they land in. During the game a Doctor can return to Earth and pick up another companion from whatever era they land in, assuming a Doctor from that era does not already have them. To swap a companion they must first be returned to their correct era, no dropping Susan off in the year 2020! Every time they return to Earth there is also a random battle.

Please see the Universes below. Known planets will have the Enemy from that planet so e.g. Mondas would be Cybermen, Skaro the Daleks while the others have a randomly selected enemy. The number of the ring determines the number of faction cards the enemy may have – 1=3, 2=4 and 3=5.

Here is a auto generator, just select formulas and then recalculate button to refresh. Each umpire generates and secretly records the locations of components for the Dr they umpire for. Example is shown above.

This is my Doctor and have just ordered them.

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Filed under Boardgames, Doctor Who, Exterminate, Sci-fi