Tag Archives: Mcdonald

June 5th 2023 A shield and flags

I am at my happiest when researching, painting or playing medievals.

For a long time I have been working on my Scottish Wars of Independence.

This week I have finished painting a second unit of Islemen and done the flags and shields for the lairds.

While I am OK at painting simple designs, age has caught up with me on the more complex ones. So I cheat and use mspaint.

Simple hand painted shield and flag added to recently finished unit. Just basing to do.

I stopped using metal flagpoles/spears a while ago. Too expensive, sharp and they bled through rust even if I painted and sealed them.

The answer was a dustpan and brush set from the range I think. £3.99 and I have over a 1000 pikes, spears, lances, flagpoles even vehicle antennas.

Just cut, flatten end and snip to a spear point.

For the more complex flag and shield designs, I find image on Internet and snippet into paint. Having measured the shield in this case 10mm x 14mm I design the shield and flag. Cut out and glue with PVA.

The figure are from Antediluvian Miniatures.

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Filed under 28mm, Flags and Things, Medieval, Scottish War Of Independence, Scottish Wars of Independence