Tag Archives: Dad’s Army

Legionary 22 Club Game

Knowing that Legionary is on this year but with only a few months’ notice we have decided that we do not have time to build a brand new demo game for the show. Instead we are going to resurrect one we have not played for a few years, namely our Dad’s Army demo game although with a few changes.


Slightly smaller table as only a 1 day show

Rules will be Bolt action

We may even have a Panjandrum, if I get my 3D printer working correctly.


Pre Operation Seelowe a HE111 has crashed doing survey on the landing areas. Unfortunately the crew had a copy of the invasion plans. To ensure rescue they have held on to them rather than destroying them, as advised. Hopefully thus avoiding potential abandonment.

A rescue party of Fallschirmjager have been sent but due to delays they only arrived 1 hour before the invasion and have arrive sporadically.

Does Walmington – on – Sea have a 5th columnist? If so, who the Verger, Policeman, Mrs Fox or a dodgy Greengrocer.

Legionary 2022

May 7th 2022

Exeter Livestock Market, Matford Pk, Exeter, EX2 8FD

Hope to see you there.

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Filed under Legionary Wargame Show, Wargame Shows

Legionary 2016 – Pegasus 1940 Part 2

Legionary 2016 is now only a week away (30th April 2016). Therefore I have started to pack away my game, ready for the show.

Here are a last few pictures before the show.

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Filed under British, Dad's Army, German, Legionary Wargame Show, Scenarios, Wargame Shows, World War 2